The Revolution Of Artificial Intelligence Technology & Machine Learning


The entire world has observed some critical developments in technology that have transformed the face of the world. The revolution starts with the introduction of the first steam engine in the year 1784. The next one was the evolution of electricity in 1870. Then, the introduction of Artificial Intelligence in the 1950s. In this booming era of technology, Artificial Technology will be the solid base of our future over which technology can make all our imaginations possible.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an extensive and diverse branch of computer science, which can build intelligent machines to perform those tasks that require human brainpower. When a machine can make smart decisions, they are termed as artificial intelligent machines. Most of the people use the terms machine learning, AI, deep learning equally. But if we think logically, then Artificial Intelligence is a universal set of Machine learning, deep learning, and many other technologies.

Three Phases of AI

The three important phases of artificial intelligence include:

#1 Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

From the name only, we can predict that its functionalities are very narrow. When we want to conduct a specific task repeatedly, then ANI is the best option. This is a very cost-effective process as no human resource is required for performing this. It is just a one-time investment.

#2 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

AGI is the most advanced phase of technology and is next to ANI. Using this AI technology, machines are not only able to think, but also perform many tasks whatever a human being can do. AGI plays a very critical role in many organizations to solve their vital problems.

#3 Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

It is the ultimate phase of Artificial Intelligence. It refers to a time when the capability of the machine will exceed human intelligence. ASI represents the capacity of machines to mimic human brain power. With the help of these systems, we can perform complicated tasks that can’t be discovered by human beings.

When did the AI Surge Begin?

In the 1800s, Artificial Intelligence was full of imaginations, myths, and assumptions. But, the real beginning of Artificial Intelligence was in 1956.
The evolution of AI began with six essential goals. Those include:

  • Enable machines to perform challenging mental tasks such as playing chess, solving mathematical problems, and many others.
  • Empower machines to relate to human beings. They are capable enough to recognize people, objects, and languages. For this reason, programming languages like Lisp came into existence.
  • Enable machines to do some plans and direct around the world. With this strategy, machines could move around autonomously by navigating themselves.
  • Teach machines to understand natural language so that they can communicate.
  • Assist machines in observing human behaviour- how they feel, touch, perceive, hear, taste, etc.
  • Common Intelligence that involved emotional intelligence, sensitivity, and creativeness.

All these things help a machine to match human abilities. A hefty amount of money was financed to bring this imagination into reality. But, the US government realized that there were missing computing technologies that are very much essential to include. Whatever money sanctioned at that time was withdrawn. Like this, the first move of the AI journey had stopped in the late 80s.
After the introduction of Moore’s law in the 21st century, scientists understand that heavy processing power of silicon made technology more useful/helpful and also helped to develop more advanced algorithms and those advanced algorithms are used to process more and more data than current. This concept has helped to introduce Artificial Intelligence.

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There are four primary reasons for the revolution of Artificial Intelligence

  • The emergence of AI truly started when the research documents about Artificial Intelligence were made available for all, starting from introduction to Machine Learning by Katie Malone and Sebastian Thurn from Udacity to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) from Stanford University.
  • By utilizing the power of data and computing (cloud and GPU), small corporations or entrepreneurs are also able to take the advantages of AI without any substantial investment.
  • It is not sufficient to have access only to the computing capacity and data, but you had to be a master of Artificial Intelligence to find out the real power of AI. In the year 2015, there was a rise of new platforms, tools that helped to enhance the production level of AI. Now you can take advantage of open-source artificial intelligence libraries like TensorFlow of Google and PyTorch of Facebook.
  • In the previous few years, Artificial Intelligence was enhancing itself steadily. Now it is much easier to prototype, study and create an improved and smart version of AI products. Different AI platforms like AWS AI, IBM Cloud AI, Azure AI, Google Cloud AI, and many more offer world-class AI facilities.

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The big transformation of Artificial Intelligence brings both enthusiasm as well as huge advantages. As technology is growing beyond our imagination, the improvements in Artificial Intelligence will help to make more business diversification and progressive proceedings.
After knowing the history and evolution of AI, now it is time to evolve your market practices. Be a valuable partner of USM and transform your business to a different level. Connect us now.

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