How Much Does It Cost To Create an Android & iOS e-Commerce App?

The rapid transformation in the Smartphone world is customers preferring to buy products through their mobile devices. Nowadays, it is an old method to visit a shopping store that is holding back a multi-storey shopping trolley and moving back and forth on the shelves. Leading retailers in the eCommerce world are offering their customers a reliable, secure, flexible, and user-friendly e-commerce platform.
Well, selecting the right platform between iOS and Android for your mobile application is an essential and difficult task. Deciding whether to make android app online or iOS depends primarily on several factors such as desired audience, app maintenance budget, project timeline, and revenue goal.
Mobile traffic to e-commerce stores has increased to up to 64.5% in the year 2018. As per the statistics of the U.S.A Mobile Retail Commerce Sales, consumers showed much interest to buy products from mobile e-commerce app compared to e-commerce websites.
Also Read: Top Ecommerce App Development Companies
Monthly usage of apps and mobile web by usa

What Features Users See In The Mobile Ecommerce App?

  • Simple search options with an easy interface
  • easy layout of subcategories and categories
  • Product photo search facility to make shopping easier
  • My cart feature where consumers view all the added items
  • Safe and secure payment, hassle-free tracking of placed orders
  • Alerts: recent arrivals, order status, offers, discounts, and many more
  • Easy log in/register that enables users to select the product for the wish-list.
  • Available for three different platforms namely, iOS, Android, and Windows mobile

E commerce growth
Factors That Determine the Android & iOS E-Commerce App Cost
Business owners always worried how much does it cost to make an app in India, the USA, the UK or other countries. The iOS or android app development cost is not limited to the hourly rates and development time. It also depends on many factors, including the complexity of the product, the difficulty of identifying talent, and the cost of support after app release.

Also Read: How Much Does It Cost To Make A Mobile App 2020

Let’s us have a look at the below seven factors that determine the app creation cost

  1. i) App development team

The local or offshore development size completely depends on the project requirement. The average cost of mobile app development creation from initial stage goes through the complex method which is handed by Mobile eCommerce app development team, including project manager, one or more developers (based on the platform), UI / UX designer, quality assurance specialist, etc. So, you need to give an android developer fee along with the salary to other employees.

  1. ii) Technical complexity

There are so many trending features that can create technical complexity to the app development, which leads to a high price.
For instance, we have a facility with an advanced search filtering (Ex: Ac/non-AC/seater/sleeper) in bus booking, which is very useful when we book in the last minute. These kinds of features will take extra time, as a result extra money to make android app online
iii) Backend development
If you want to build a large application for millions of users, who needs to transfer the huge date in real time and sync your data across platforms and store it in the cloud, you require a backend that can run smoothly under any circumstances and withstand heavy loads, which requires more time to design app and build a complex application architecture.
Also, you required various software programming languages ​​to make your app’s backend, which leads to investing in a more diverse team of experts.

  1. iv) Niche third-party integrations

Many third party connections are there to speed up the eCommerce app development that includes niche. However, third party associations are especially applicable; sometimes entangled and conflicting documentation. This can lead to extra time that can confuse how to integrate them into your ecommerce Android or iOS app. In addition, you required to pay a fee to use these services.

  1. v) In-application purchases

In order to meet the needs of targeted customers, business owners consolidate maximum possible payment options. And this is a very good approach to attract them. So, you have to get ready to invest for additional payment options, if you include any like Paytm, Paypal, Apple Pay, GooglePay, PhonePay, etc.

  1. vi) Custom designs and animations

As implementing custom user interfaces is complicated, it will cost relatively higher than implementing an interface that built without design or from standard components. On the other side, it will cost higher to build an app with animations than a normal app.
vii) Post-release expenses
Many people have also concern about how much does it cost to put an app on Google play. Here is the answer for you! The average cost to build an app does not only cover the actual programming cost, but also you should consider the money that goes into developing the product.
Like any other business, an app requires customer support, cloud hosting, updates, legal support, backend server management, not to add app promotion and marketing, which will have a great impact on business success.
If you add any third party tools into your eCommerce application, you should pay to use them. For instance, striping charges will be 2.9% + 30 cents for payment through any debit card or credit card on your app. Keep all these prices in mind when assessing your Android & iOS eCommerce app support costs.
Unlike the expensive app components and application development team, the cost of launching an app is not included in the initial estimation cost. So, you should invest an extra amount in the post release app.

So, How Much Does It Cost To Create An E-commerce App?

Never expect an answer from a professional app development agency for the question, how much does it cost to make an android app or iOS app. Don’t trust if someone even says there is a price list which calculates the average cost of creating an app and android developer fee.
Ecommerce App development companies will charge the money based on the number of hours that project takes to build android app online, and the complexity and functionality of the project, the longer it will take to build android app online, but sometimes the prize would be negotiable.

Final Words

I hope this article helps you get an idea about eCommerce Android or iOS app development cost and also motivated you to create an eCommerce application of your online business.
If you want additional consultation about the eCommerce app development, let’s connect us!
Please submit our form with your details. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • At present Android and iOS applications own more than 96% of the global mobile market share. Thus an ideal move toward mobile app development is to craft and launch the application for both platforms, For your convenience only

  • The post is really brilliant and the information is very useful. thanks for sharing such a great Blog.

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